CMA consultants draw on a variety of psychometric and self-reporting tools for career coaching and outplacement, team building, leadership development, hiring/selection, communication and conflict management. They include:
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI II)
This assessment presents an individual’s personality preferences to enhance self-awareness, decision-making, communication and career development. Our firm strongly favors MBTI and includes this well validated instrument as the gold standard in many coaching and career development programs.
Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EQ-i)
EQ-i provides individuals and teams with self-perception related to managing one’s emotions and understanding the complicated relationships among emotions. One typical goal is to promote greater collaboration and teamwork through EI principles. Individuals with an enhanced understanding of their EI are able to leverage their shifting moods to best fit the demands of their environment.
Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
TKI is the world’s best-selling tool for people seeking to understand how different conflict-handling styles affect interpersonal and group dynamics—and for empowering them to choose the appropriate style for any situation. The instrument assesses an individual’s typical behavior in conflict situations and describes it along two dimensions: assertiveness and cooperativeness.
Golden Personality Type Profiler (GPTP)
GPTP can help a person understand the basis for their decision-making and the way they relate to other people. Other assessments categorize a person into a single type. These over-simplified labels make no allowance for the subtle differences between people of the same type.
Strong and Campbell Career Interest Inventories
Each of these 300+/- question assessments is based on John Holland’s RIASEC theory of vocational preference. Realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional comprise the six preferences that may be used in conjunction with personality preferences to determine both profession and workplace culture fits. CMA prefers to use both assessments with individual clients.
Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®)
FIRO-B helps people understand their interpersonal needs and how those needs influence their communication style and behavior—and in the process improve their personal relationships and professional performance. This tool has helped individuals, teams and organizations around the world grow and succeed by serving as a catalyst for positive behavioral change.
DISC Classic
Providing insight into behavioral preferences, DISC presents a highly usable four-quadrant blueprint as a foundation for improving self-awareness and relationships with others. A versatile coaching, sales and team building tool, DISC drills down to encourage understanding of the shifting roles we each assume, as well as how our preferred behavior may change when under stress.
360°/Multi-Rater Customized Assessments
CMA believes in customizing 360° assessments to the particular organization to take into consideration organizational competencies and leadership factors. The online multi-rater tool we utilize can also draw on a bank of competencies tested against use in large, multinational organizations. CMA prefers to use multi-raters in situations in which an ongoing plan of career and professional development is well supported following the delivery of assessment results.
Watson-Glaser™ Critical Thinking Appraisal
Watson-Glaser II is the premier tool for evaluating professionals’ cognitive abilities. It assesses critical thinking and decision-making and predicts judgment, problem solving, creativity openness to experience and more. It has a long history of use in business, government and education and correlates with other leading ability and personality tests.