Assessments / Testing

CMA is proud to present a suite of Assessments that our consultants draw upon in a variety of ways in our Executive Coaching, Training, and Outplacement programs to drive results. We also provide a suite of online skills assessment testing.

CMA’s Premium Assessment Products:

  • The Birkman Method®

The Birkman Method® provides extensive, highly accurate portraits of preferred work habits and strengths, as well as behavioral styles and interests. It also indicates individual potential for certain professional occupations and working environments, the support needed from other individuals, and the stress behaviors likely if these needs are not met. In addition, it provides a comprehensive profile of probable success at various levels of management, and of the ability to interact as a member of a team.

The Birkman Method® has been in use for over 40 years. Over 2 million people in some 5,000 organizations have experienced the profile. Included are men and women from hundreds of different professions, a wide range of ages, and all major ethnic backgrounds in both the United States and Canada.

Selected Assessments Preferred by CMA:

CMA consultants draw upon a variety of other psychometric and self-reporting tools. Some of the most commonly used by corporate clients or individuals are:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) II
  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ-i)
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
  • Golden Personality Profiler
  • Strong and Campbell Career Inventories
  • FIRO-B
  • DiSC
  • 360°Assessments
  • Watson-Glaser II
